Blog post

Starting my own personal blog has always been on my bucketlist of Things to Do Before I Die.

I think my biggest influence for starting a blog came from a deviantart artist called slumberdoll, also known as Tricia from I found her back in 2007 and her love for photography and fashion really influenced my own personal style and love for photography. Since then, I have always wanted to share my own life the way she and other bloggers do. I have learned so much through blogs, vlogs, and YouTubers and I hope I can help others learn things as well.

I admire how much courage and confidence these creators have.  It takes so much self-love to do what they do, so I started this blog as a way for me to build myself up, instead of tearing myself down. Hopefully I can inspire others the way bloggers like Tricia have inspired me. Thank you so much for sticking around and reading my little blog. Your support means so much to me.

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